Web Hosting adalah salah satu bentuk layanan jasa penyewaan tempat di
Internet yang memungkinkan perorangan ataupun organisasi menampilkan
layanan jasa atau produknya di web / situs Internet.
Hosting atau biasa disebut sebagai web hosting adalah layanan
penyewaan ruang simpan data (space) yang digunakan untuk menyimpan data –
data website agar halaman website tersebut bisa diakses dari mana saja.
Data web tersebut meliputi file – file html, php script, cgi script,
css, image, database, dan file lain yang dibutuhkan untuk menampilkan
halaman web.\
Selain menyimpan file – file tersebut di atas, biasanya web hosting juga memberikan fasilitas e-mail.
Disini Ada Banyak Tempat Web Hosting :
1. Anzwers
2. ASP Host-1
3. AtHost
4. AtSpace
5. AwardSpace
6. Balasainet
7. Biz_ly
8. Bizhosting
9. BraveNet
10. Brinkster
11. Bronwyn_co_uk
12. ByetHost
13. Bz_tc
14. Catch-0
15. Colony-1
16. Com-110mb
17. Com-1111mb
18. Com-1500mb
19. Com-20megs
20. Com-275mb
21. Com-3000 mb
22. Com-50Megs
23. Com-7H
24. Com-7Host
25. Com-9999mb
26. Community Architect
27. Cool Free Pages
28. CyberSoup
29. DigitalZones
30. DigitalZones
31. DomainDLX
32. DotHost
33. Dreamwater
34. Dzite Web Hosting Community
35. Eccentrix
36. eSmartStart
37. FateBack
38. FBHosting
39. FortuneCity
40. FortuneCity UK
41. FortuneCity_UK
42. Free 20 Megs
43. Free Host-00
44. Free Hosting Guru
45. Free ProHosting
46. Free Site
47. Free Web Hosting
48. Free Web Page Hosting
49. Free Web Space
50. Free Webpages
51. Free-100
52. Free-20MB
53. FreeCyberZone
54. Free-Domain-Site
55. FreeHomePage
56. FreePages
57. Freeservers
58. Freespaces
59. Freewebs
60. FreeWebsiteHosting
61. FreeWebsites
62. FreeWebsiteSpace
63. FriendPages
64. Geocities
65. Gigs-5
66. Global Web
67. GlobalMart-2
68. Graffiti.net
69. Home Page Builders
70. Homepage-00
71. HomePageHost
72. Host Ultra
73. Hostars Free Web Hosting
74. HostingIsFree
75. Hostio
76. HostRave Free Hosting
77. HostRocket
78. HostsLtd
79. Hus_meg_nu
80. I12_com
81. i6Networks
82. IcySpicy
83. IndoSentris
84. Intercosmos
85. Itb-2
86. ItsMySite
87. iXprss
88. JoinMe
89. Just Web It
90. Kaski-net
91. Lecktronix
92. Lifelesspeople
93. Megspace
94. Memebot
95. Mg2_org
96. Moola-0
97. Net-A11
98. Netfirms
99. NetFirms
100. Netscape-MyWebPage
101. Nu3_net
102. Nytka
103. OAM Web
104. Onestop.net
105. OrgFree
106. PCI Free Host
107. Personales
108. Planet-D
109. PrimeTap
110. ProHosting
111. ProperComfy
112. Psend
113. Qtherapeia-4
114. Sakellaris Electronics
115. Server-00
116. ServerHeaven.net
117. Shyper Communications
118. SitePalace
119. Slydevil s Lair
120. Stormpages
121. SwiftHost
122. Synced
123. T35_com
124. The Center For Business
125. The Free Auction
126. TheGeekHost
127. Thirdage
128. Top_Free_Web_Hosting
129. Trap17_com
130. Tripod_lycos_co_uk
131. Tripod_lycos_com
132. Web Hosting Pal
133. Web1000
134. WebMasterTools
135. Webs-50
136. Websamba
137. WebSpace-100
138. Worldbreak
139. Xaper Homepages
140. XentriK Hosting
141. X-Mail.net
142. XoomPages
143. Yours2Use
144. Zy Graphics
145. AccessHost-1
146. AllCheapWeb
147. Angelfire
148. ArisHost
149. Batcave Network
150. B-City
151. Bizhosting
152. CCRTC Internet
153. CentralPets
154. CNet Quick Siteguilder
155. Colony-1
156. Com-122mb
157. Com-125mb
158. Coms_ph
159. Constant Reality Web Hosting
160. Cost Host-0
161. DeccanHost
162. Dencity
163. Doteasy
164. dreamworld
165. FanSpace
166. Foreverhost.us
167. Free Web Space Inc.
168. Free Web Town
169. Free Website Hosting Space
170. Free.20M Web Space
171. Free-250
172. FreeWebs
173. FreeWebServices
174. Gazzin Networks
175. Gr8expectation-1
176. HostAdFree
177. HowdyNeighbor
178. Hp-h
179. iFastNet
180. iNetHoster
181. Internet Avenue
182. Ipdz
183. iWeblite
184. Jamroll Hosting
185. JuzTalk
186. Lastpromise
187. Link4u
188. MaxiBoards
189. MindViz Hosted
190. Multimania
191. My-Place_us
192. Net4Free
193. Pagelist
194. Php 0h
195. PlanetLiquor eShowroom
196. Pro PHP
197. Profusehost
198. SiteHosting-101
199. StoKia Network, The
200. The Express Page
201. Trap17_net
202. Tripod
203. Tripod_lycos_nl
204. Tripod_se
205. Tutsfeed
206. Valve-Hosting
207. WAHM Web Host
208. WebHostingForFree
209. Webmaster-321
210. WebSpawner
211. Wikicities
212. Wizards of WizardSoul
213. X10 Hosting
214. XYLs_com
215. ZeroHost
2. ASP Host-1
3. AtHost
4. AtSpace
5. AwardSpace
6. Balasainet
7. Biz_ly
8. Bizhosting
9. BraveNet
10. Brinkster
11. Bronwyn_co_uk
12. ByetHost
13. Bz_tc
14. Catch-0
15. Colony-1
16. Com-110mb
17. Com-1111mb
18. Com-1500mb
19. Com-20megs
20. Com-275mb
21. Com-3000 mb
22. Com-50Megs
23. Com-7H
24. Com-7Host
25. Com-9999mb
26. Community Architect
27. Cool Free Pages
28. CyberSoup
29. DigitalZones
30. DigitalZones
31. DomainDLX
32. DotHost
33. Dreamwater
34. Dzite Web Hosting Community
35. Eccentrix
36. eSmartStart
37. FateBack
38. FBHosting
39. FortuneCity
40. FortuneCity UK
41. FortuneCity_UK
42. Free 20 Megs
43. Free Host-00
44. Free Hosting Guru
45. Free ProHosting
46. Free Site
47. Free Web Hosting
48. Free Web Page Hosting
49. Free Web Space
50. Free Webpages
51. Free-100
52. Free-20MB
53. FreeCyberZone
54. Free-Domain-Site
55. FreeHomePage
56. FreePages
57. Freeservers
58. Freespaces
59. Freewebs
60. FreeWebsiteHosting
61. FreeWebsites
62. FreeWebsiteSpace
63. FriendPages
64. Geocities
65. Gigs-5
66. Global Web
67. GlobalMart-2
68. Graffiti.net
69. Home Page Builders
70. Homepage-00
71. HomePageHost
72. Host Ultra
73. Hostars Free Web Hosting
74. HostingIsFree
75. Hostio
76. HostRave Free Hosting
77. HostRocket
78. HostsLtd
79. Hus_meg_nu
80. I12_com
81. i6Networks
82. IcySpicy
83. IndoSentris
84. Intercosmos
85. Itb-2
86. ItsMySite
87. iXprss
88. JoinMe
89. Just Web It
90. Kaski-net
91. Lecktronix
92. Lifelesspeople
93. Megspace
94. Memebot
95. Mg2_org
96. Moola-0
97. Net-A11
98. Netfirms
99. NetFirms
100. Netscape-MyWebPage
101. Nu3_net
102. Nytka
103. OAM Web
104. Onestop.net
105. OrgFree
106. PCI Free Host
107. Personales
108. Planet-D
109. PrimeTap
110. ProHosting
111. ProperComfy
112. Psend
113. Qtherapeia-4
114. Sakellaris Electronics
115. Server-00
116. ServerHeaven.net
117. Shyper Communications
118. SitePalace
119. Slydevil s Lair
120. Stormpages
121. SwiftHost
122. Synced
123. T35_com
124. The Center For Business
125. The Free Auction
126. TheGeekHost
127. Thirdage
128. Top_Free_Web_Hosting
129. Trap17_com
130. Tripod_lycos_co_uk
131. Tripod_lycos_com
132. Web Hosting Pal
133. Web1000
134. WebMasterTools
135. Webs-50
136. Websamba
137. WebSpace-100
138. Worldbreak
139. Xaper Homepages
140. XentriK Hosting
141. X-Mail.net
142. XoomPages
143. Yours2Use
144. Zy Graphics
145. AccessHost-1
146. AllCheapWeb
147. Angelfire
148. ArisHost
149. Batcave Network
150. B-City
151. Bizhosting
152. CCRTC Internet
153. CentralPets
154. CNet Quick Siteguilder
155. Colony-1
156. Com-122mb
157. Com-125mb
158. Coms_ph
159. Constant Reality Web Hosting
160. Cost Host-0
161. DeccanHost
162. Dencity
163. Doteasy
164. dreamworld
165. FanSpace
166. Foreverhost.us
167. Free Web Space Inc.
168. Free Web Town
169. Free Website Hosting Space
170. Free.20M Web Space
171. Free-250
172. FreeWebs
173. FreeWebServices
174. Gazzin Networks
175. Gr8expectation-1
176. HostAdFree
177. HowdyNeighbor
178. Hp-h
179. iFastNet
180. iNetHoster
181. Internet Avenue
182. Ipdz
183. iWeblite
184. Jamroll Hosting
185. JuzTalk
186. Lastpromise
187. Link4u
188. MaxiBoards
189. MindViz Hosted
190. Multimania
191. My-Place_us
192. Net4Free
193. Pagelist
194. Php 0h
195. PlanetLiquor eShowroom
196. Pro PHP
197. Profusehost
198. SiteHosting-101
199. StoKia Network, The
200. The Express Page
201. Trap17_net
202. Tripod
203. Tripod_lycos_nl
204. Tripod_se
205. Tutsfeed
206. Valve-Hosting
207. WAHM Web Host
208. WebHostingForFree
209. Webmaster-321
210. WebSpawner
211. Wikicities
212. Wizards of WizardSoul
213. X10 Hosting
214. XYLs_com
215. ZeroHost
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